What is soil porosity in agriculture: An Overview

What is soil porosity in agriculture: An Overview

While porous soil is a good fit for agriculture, well-compacted soil with minimum pores is preferable for building sites. Soil test for construction in Chennai compacts the soil heavily to reduce the air gap. On the other hand, soil porosity plays a major role in agriculture and crop production. In this blog, let us have a look at soil porosity and how it affects crop growth.

What is soil porosity?

Soil porosity is the amount of pores or open space between the soil particles. These pore spaces are formed for several reasons like insects, worms, gases, root growth and other sol impurities. The porosity of soil can be improved by compaction procedures that reduce the air gap thereby strengthening the soil structure.

Importance of determining soil porosity:

Agriculture and water analysis testing labs recommend soil porosity testing because:

  • Healthy soil structure retains more water, adding to the ground water level. This, in turn sustains good microorganisms that are helpful in crop production.
  • Porous soil allows air and oxygen to pass through, allowing crop growth and production.
  • Well aerated soil supports healthy and faster crop production

Points to remember

  • Soil with a small but larger number of pores has better water-retaining capacity than others.
  • Non-porous soil or soil with a greater number of pores is not suitable for cultivation purposes.
  • Heavily compacted soil has lower porosity and can’t retain enough moisture for healthy plant growth
  • This also drops its air-carrying capacity, hampering crop growth.
  • Compacted soil doesn’t soak in or hold water, resulting in erosion.
  • Though the sticky particles do not erode easily, lighter soil particles will be washed off, leaving only clay. Clay is not only difficult to work with but also has poor water and air movement.

Importance of soil testing and methods followed

  • At Tamil Nadu Test House, we adopt holistic test procedures to ensure a safe and sustainable food future for all. Being a leading Water Testing Labs in Chennai, we among others, follow the below steps for porosity testing:
  • Soil samples are prepared and information is collected regarding crop patterns, crop management practices etc.
  • The soil sample is analyzed for parameters like pH, solubility, carbon content, phosphorus content etc.
  • The values are compared with standards to identify the quality and type of soil.
  • Next, various soil treatment methods are suggested by our lab scientists to ensure a sustained supply of crops

We believe that soil tests help in maintaining the consistency of soil fertility and productivity. It is a crucial crop management practice that fosters a healthy ecosystem. Contact us today to learn about the agriculture and construction soil testing cost in Chennai.